Star citizen kickstarter
Star citizen kickstarter

star citizen kickstarter

"Unlike with a publisher, you can't pull the wool over their eyes because it's the real people who are going to be playing it," he said. Roberts also talked about the impact being a crowdfunded project has on the actual development team. You don't really have your input into how Call of Duty's being made." It's also allowing gamers to have their voice heard, and have their influence earlier in the process. "I think that good for gamers, because crowdfunding and digital distribution are enabling more nichey stuff to be viable. He says that in the past, projects like his own would be scoffed at by the big-name publishers for "only" moving around a million units. I really like what it's doing," says Roberts, explaining that while the big budget blockbusters aren't going to go away, Kickstarter will bring more power to the middle ground of "niche" developers. "I definitely think crowdfunding is going to be part of gaming going forward.

star citizen kickstarter

Roberts is incredibly impressed with the Kickstarter model, claiming that almost 96% of every dollar pledged goes directly to the developers, compared to the old model, which sat at around 20 cents of every dollar. Roberts also spoke about the future of Star Citizen, and possible plans to bring the current PC-exclusive to Sony's PS4. His own Star Citizen project has raised over $8 million in in its Kickstarter campaign, and shows no sign of stopping, with fans continuing to contribute despite the game's release being over a year away. "I can make the same game for a fifth of the revenue, a fifth of the sales, and I can be more profitable, and I can exist on lower unit sales," says Chris Roberts, speaking to about the huge merits that Kickstarter offers developers. Chris Roberts' Star Citizen Kickstarter has raised over $8 million, and fans continue to jump in, despite the game being over a year away from release.

Star citizen kickstarter